Thursday, November 5, 2015

A day in the life. . .

. . . of a quilter

A few weeks ago, I lamented over my fading smart phone battery. Well the new phone is now in my possession, and I'm so excited I can now take photos, interact on social media, and actually make phone calls and send messages again without the phone battery going dead at a moment's notice!

This week I'm offering a quick photo essay from my sewing room and vicinity - all the photos were taken with the new phone! . . . Enjoy.

My day usually starts with a little fabric inspiration . . .

quilt fabric

. . . and some sewing . . .


. . . and trimming.


Then, maybe a little exercise at the local rink. Depends on the day. . . and the inclination.


Back at home, time to cut some interfacing to pack some Mini Mug Mat packs. Lots of paper work to do, too, but that's not so much fun to photograph.

Mini Scrap Grid Interfacing

A step outside to enjoy a bit of Indian Summer. Frosty nights and mornings haven't completely swept the Summer away, yet. These begonias are hanging in there.

yellow begonia

A few years ago a twig appeared growing in a strange spot in the garden. We didn't know what the plant was, but let it root and grow. It's now about 12 feet high, and this year, we have a real clue to the plant's identity.

apple tree

Fall . . .


Fading summer. . .

fading sunflower

Milkweed, to draw the monarch butterflies.


This plant was part of the landscaping added with the front patio this summer. All summer long its green foliage gave no hint of the bright red berries to come. I'm not sure what it's called. Anyone?


And all the while, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched.

Sleeping parrot

Happy Stitching!

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